X.M.E. T.V.

Games & Quizzes

Just some simple time killers with an X-men: Evolution flare. Hopefully enjoyable ^_^


X-men: Evolution ~ BREAKOUT || All the joys of the old-school game "Breakout" done X-men Evolution style. This game is incomplete, basically just a wireframe of what it COULD be, but still- sort of fun, I think. REQUIRES YOU TO DOWNLOAD THE GAME TO PLAY IT.

The X-men Comic Book Adventure || Not so much a 'comicbook adventure' as a very, VERY simple 'chose yur own adventure. Taken from the DVD Mutants Rising.


Wolverine's Trivia Challenge || From the special features on the DVD Enemies Unveiled, this is a simplified, non-narrated version of the quiz. If you want to get the full effect, I suggest you watch the special feature. But until then, you can practice on this re-creation on the web.

Toad's Test || From the special features on the DVD Mystique's Revenge, this is a simplified, non-narrated version of the quiz. If you want to get the full effect, I suggest you watch the speial feature. But until then, you can practice on this re-creation on the web.

All titles, characters, character names, logos and related indicia are ™ and © their respective creators. All characters are used without permission and not for profit. Layout lovingly ripped off from Mangastyle.net.